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Pickleball Policies and Rules

Pickleball Pick-up Games and Pickleball Court Rental Policies and Rules

  1. Players that have signed up on the roster for Pickleball Pick-up Games will get priority over players that have not signed up.  Any players that have not signed up will be asked to leave if the roster is full and a player that signed up comes to play – even if play has already commenced.  Therefore, we suggest all players sign up in advance and are aware of the 24 hour cancellation policy. 
  2. All pickleball players must check in and sign in at the Front Desk upon arrival. 
  3. Do not enter the tarped court area before your court time.  Do not walk onto the courts to put your coats and bags down before your court time.  Wait outside of the tarped area or in the lounge/lobby until the start of your court time to enter the court area. 
  4. Players are asked to arrive at the start of their court time and leave expeditiously at the end of their court time.  Any players starting more than 2 minutes before or staying 2 minutes after their court time will be charged for an additional 30 minutes of court time.  This policy is in place for both pickleball court rentals and pickleball pick-up games. 
  5. This area is NOISY.  There will be tennis players, pickleball players, people walking by, and music.  This is an expected part of playing in this area. 
  6. If you use a court that you have not rented, you will be charged for that court time.  If a court is open, it can not be used free of charge. 
  7. The Court Host of a court rental reservation must provide an accurate list of participants at least 24 hours prior to the court time. The Court Host will be financially responsible for any player that does not pay. This includes, but is not limited to, failure to pay, declined credit cards, inaccurate rosters. The Court Host will be billed in these circumstances and holds financial responsibility for the court booking.
  8. Players that have signed up on the roster for Pickleball Pick-up Games will get priority over players that have not signed up. Any players that have not signed up will be asked to leave if the roster is full and a player that signed up comes to play – even if play has already commenced. Therefore, we suggest all players sign up in advance and are aware of the 24 hour cancellation policy.
  9. The Front Desk does not have the ability or authority to make billing corrections. The front desk is not tasked with managing complaints about temperature, court lines, noise, or any other issues outside of their control. All complaints/concerns must be sent in writing to info@taconicracquet.com.
  10. Pickleball nets are mobile, not permanent. It is the responsibility of the players to move the nets into place before play, and store them back after play. The front desk staff is not responsible for moving or replacing nets.

This is not a full list of all policies.  
To view all policies, please go to Policies & Info